Try on some stillness with a free 10-minute meditation led by Baron Baptiste. Recorded live at a Baptiste Yoga Level Three Teacher Training in Tulum, Mexico.
Life comes at us fast. So fast. Too fast. And in our modern world, we're often over-scheduled and stretched thin. If we find our selves with 10 extra minutes, it takes effort to not fill that time with more doing.Â
Have 10 minutes? Try this:
Sit down, close the door, and press play. Baron Baptiste will guide you through the rest - which is astonishingly simple: your seat, your breath, your hands - repeat.
SWEAT Power Yoga and have your back this snowy Tuesday.  Practice with us from wherever you are!
Join us for a free class taught by Baptiste-certified teacher Shannon Rolston of SWEAT Power Yoga in East Longmeadow, MA in this sweaty, 60-minute Journey Into Power yoga class! Fear no snow day!
Presence -Â by Laura Tropea
Presence. The state of acting or occurring as present in a time or place. To get present.
When I first started practicing yoga I would hear teachers say “be present,” “be here;” in fact, one of my own teacher’s favorite quotes is, “now here or nowhere;” and it wasn’t until recently I began to really experience the act of getting present on my mat, in my meditation practice and ultimately in my life. You see, I couldn’t access the present moment, because I was a paper chaser; no, not the kind who sought out dollar bills, as M.I.A. rallies on in Paper Planes, but rather the paper chaser who sought degrees, accolades and paper to distinguish, determine, validate who I was in the world. All this paper was clouding my perception and in turn my ability to get present.
It wasn’t until I heard a yoga teacher instruct a student who was struggling during a question and answer session to feel their feet. Not just metaphorically speaking, but to lit...
In this post, Baptiste-certified master teacher, and Evolution Power Yoga studio owner Lisa Taylor shares the creation story of this Journey Into Power yoga flow, as adapted for a chair practice - a practice she developed for a dear friend with a willing spirit and some physical challenges. Try the practice yourself - or share with a friend who may find within new opening, space and possibility.
Andy’s Yoga
If there is one consideration in dedicating myself to the pursuit of yoga as a tool anyone can use, it makes my heart sad when a person counts themselves out. I love yoga for the freedom and confidence I have been able to access for myself. My urge to give others the same access to whatever they are meant to get from their practice is pronounced.
A turning point moment in my experience of yoga occurred when I was assisting my teacher, Baron Baptiste, as he toured the country in support of a collaboration with Dr. Elliot Frohman, a specialist in the study and treatment of Multip...
My Secret Weapon
By Lisa Taylor
The first time I taught a private yoga lesson I had only been a yoga teacher for two years and my experience was limited to the teaching of set-sequence style group classes. I will never forget this first student. We could not have been more different; I was in my 30's, flexible and physically active. He was in his 60's accustomed to a desk job with a few pounds to lose and injuries to manage. We were both uncomfortable and a little bit nervous. Standing on his mat waiting for me to indicate what to do first he towered over me. At this moment, time suddenly stood still. I looked around the room, looked at my student, and began to sweat. I felt unprepared, panic ensued. It occurred to me I would not be able to teach the way I always did, speaking anonymously to a large group of willing students. I would need to do something different and do it fast, but what?
Until the-moment-when-time-stood-still, my way of teaching could be described as auto-pilot. I ...
 Help us build a home for Baptiste Yoga.
UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart that we announce our beloved space—the Baptiste Sanctuary in Ojai, CA—is among the countless other homes and properties to have succumb to the raging California fires. The structures, bridges and much of the vegetation are completely gone.
The Baptiste Sanctuary (a Baptiste Foundation project) was intended to be a home for Baptiste Yoga; a place to heal the past, create new health, embark on a modern-day vision quest; a place to become attuned to the here and now, and understand that the relationship between self, body and world is an intensely communicative process that’s continually created and recreated.
It is in this moment of immense loss that we are reminded of Shiva's Ring of Fire, which represents the eternal cyclical nature of existence—destruction and creation, death and rebirth. The fire that destroys also purifies and, as the cycle continues, offers rebirth.
We are committed to creating a vibrant ...
We at MyBaptistePractice think this platform is the best thing ever, but don't take our word for it! Hear what Kate, Juan and Shannon have to say about how they are able to practice where they are, anytime, anywhere.
Meet Baptiste Certified Teacher Krystal Say - one of the amazing teachers on!
Krystal is an advocate for total wellness - a self-proclaimed adventure seeker, fresh air enthusiast, real food lover, sneaker lacing trail finder, and Power Yogi. She has a degree in exercise science, is a certified Baptiste Yoga teacher, certified Health Coach, and a senior educator for TRX Suspension Training. With her studies in human movement, the physical nature of Baptiste yoga is what initially drew her in. Not only did she gain strength, but managed her stress, became more mobile and completely shifted her perspective on life!Â
Krystal truly believes the Baptiste Yoga practice is for every body. Her instruction will keep you safe during practice, but she will definitely prompt you to step out of your comfort zone. Krystal invites you to roll out your mat and join your journey to hers.
Hello, everyone!
As the majority of 2017 passes into the rear-view mirror, we at are shifting in the next - transformative - gear. What lies ahead is terrifically exciting, and we want to share our plans. But first, some context:
Last winter, Baron pulled members of his team close and gave us a goal: he wanted to make Baptiste Methodology available to everyone, everywhere, regardless of geography or demographics. The teachings are universal, he reminded us. The process works. So we took on this intimidating and lofty goal, and got to work.Â
In June, we launched with a modest collection of audio and video classes and courses, and high ambitions. And since then, we've been busy as bees creating not just content, but the container for the Baptiste community to share and grow beyond physical walls.
Enter Livestreaming. Who among us hasn't been traveling, or moved to a new town, or simply too swallowed by the logistics of life and family...